Online privacy in short

Browser: Brave
Search: BraveStartpageDuckDuckGo
MailProtonMail (email aliasing: SimpleLogin)
Chat / Messenger: Threema or Signal
2FA2FAS, Authy
Online BackupBackblaze
Cloud StorageProton Drive, Cryptomator with your standard cloud solution,, iCloud with Advanced Data Protection
File Sharing: Bitwarden Send, Wormhole
AI: Venice (Private ChatGPT, Midjourney alternative)

Check your Devices
Check the settings of all your devices (cell phone, tablet, notebook, etc.) to see which apps have access to your data (e.g., location data, photos, contacts, microphone, camera, etc.) and switch off everything that is not necessary for you.

Do you need more details (In German)? Please click here.

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